Rig & Fish Wooden Cuban Yoyos
a.k.a. The Handliner's Handbook
Fellas! It surprises people that I don't fish with rods and reels. They're such ingrained fishing tools that many cannot imagine life without them. Handlines offer such sensitivity, simplicity and natural presentation that it has become my go-to method for targeting any species that will stock my freezer.
Let me tell you a quick story:
Many of you should recognize these slip corks. I stared making them about six months after starting the Black Warrior Lures YouTube channel. I was on a quest to design and make the most sensitive fishing tackle one could use made out of readily available materials.
The slip corks worked, and many of you continue to buy them. After a while I noticed that whenever I removed the slip cork and fished tightline, I caught more fish. Whenever I held the rod in-line with the line, I felt more. It hit me that the more stuff I have between my hand and the line the less sensitive to entire rig became.
That led me to handline fishing. Early attempts were crude, but even with the least sensitive line, I could feel more than my most sensitive rod and reel set up.
From there it was mad science: experimenting, developing new handline reels with various line/leader combinations until I have what you see on the YouTube Channel today.
Let's back up a little bit, in 2014 I started a YouTube channel as a way to demonstrate my early trolling flies. That led to more lures, tackle and eventually building mud motor based on Thailand longtail outboards.
Many of you have watched my YouTube videos for years. For all those who have watching and helped build the YouTube channel, thanks!
While YouTube is fun and entertaining, I've also amassed a knowledge base to pass on, but I don't want to pass to any one: I only want to pass it on to those who are serious about learning this method and assimilating it to their fishing arsenal.
Handlining doesn't have to replace rod and reel fishing, but most any form of fishing will help you. If you think this is something right for you check it out.
Your Instructor
I started Black Warrior Lures in 2014 as a way to share the hard-won lessons of learning to become a subsistence fisherman. Dad taught me a lot. Brother taught me nearly as much as dad. As fishermen there is an unsaid law: Pass on what you have learned.
Course Curriculum
StartLet Me Explain
StartForeword (5:23)
StartDisclaimer (4:09)
StartIntroduction (4:57)
StartThe Cuban Yoyo & Other Handline Reels (6:25)
StartHooks, Lines & Weights (3:31)
StartBaits & Lures (2:13)
StartHandline Rigs (3:57)
StartProtecting Your Hands (2:03)
StartHomemade Handline Reels
StartCasting a Cuban Yoyo (3:23)
StartHow to Deploy Lines for Trolling & Drifting (3:58)
StartHow to Set the Hook (3:02)
StartPlaying the Fish (2:39)
StartHauling & Stowing Lines (2:00)
StartTrolling & Drifting (11:46)
StartFurled Leaders for Trolling, Drifting & Casting (4:51)
StartFighting Large Fish
StartRunning Multiple Lines
StartFloat, Bobber & Cork Fishing
StartWhen to Hang Up the Handline
StartFrom the Bank for Shorebound Anglers
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
- This is a online video-based course for people interested in learning how to fish with traditional handline methods.
What do I get?
- You get access to this online class.
- This is electronic only. No books or materials will be mailed to you. Again: This is electronic only.